This page may load a little slow, but that is due to the higher quality of the images.  "Scroll Down" for more photos.
Center: Kenny Baker near the record booth and tables. 
Bean Blossom (1973)
Photo by Jim Moss

Left to Right: Kenny Baker, Jack Hicks, Bob Fowler. 
Bean Blossom (1973)
Photo by Jim Moss

Left to Right: Kenny Baker, Jack Hicks, Bob Fowler. 
Bean Blossom (1973)
Photo by Jim Moss

Left to Right: Joe Stuart, Jack Hicks (arm), Paul Mullins. 
Bean Blossom (1973)
Photo by Jim Moss

Left to Right: Joe Stuart, Jack Hicks (arm), Paul Mullins. 
Bean Blossom (1973)
Photo by Jim Moss

Left to Right: Joe Stuart (arm), Paul Mullins,  Jack Hicks. 
Bean Blossom (1973)
Photo by Jim Moss

Left to Right: Arnie Stump, Ron Nolan, Frank Overstreet, Sharon.
Bean Blossom (1973)
Photo by Jim Moss

Left to Right: Banjo player facing camera is Ray Irvin, Frank Overstreet on Guitar.  The person second from the right.. in front of the tree, with the belly, is the guy who sold me the picture of the cartoon of Monroe taken from inside of the out-house.  Look at his face.  I remember that this guy was a party animal.  While we watched he pasted his festival sticker, made with permanent adhesive, on to his hairy chest!  I don't know how that felt when it was time to remove it.
Bean Blossom (1973)
Photo by Jim Moss

Left to Right: Bluegrass Blackjacks..  Ray Irvin, banjo, Frank Wardrup, mandolin, 
Frank Overstreet, guitar,  Arnie Stump (?).
Bean Blossom (1973)
Photo by Jim Moss


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All Rights Owned by Jim Moss & Blueberry Records. 
Any reprinting of text must be approved in writing... which will not be hard to get.
Any use of this material for Bluegrass or folk radio must simply make mention of this
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