L to R: Jeff Harris, Jim Moss, Frank Wakefield, Graham Murphy, Keith Cady. Keith Cady was drafted to play in the all night jams. Afterwards, Keith was drafted to play bass on Thursday two shows. Keith is a powerful good bass player. (Bean Blossom 2001) Photo by Linda Riha |
L to R: Jeff Harris, Jim Moss, Graham Murphy, Ray Flook, Frank Wakefield. (Bean Blossom 2001) Photo by Linda Riha |
L to R: Jim Moss, Jeff Harris. (Bean Blossom 2001) Photo by Linda Riha |
"If you have a problem with your left hand, it is probably a result of something you are doing wrong with your right hand or arm and it's effect on your left hand control" Been up jamming all night.. ??
(Bean Blossom 2001) Photo by Linda Riha |
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Any reprinting of text must be approved in writing... which will not be hard to get. Any use of this material for Bluegrass or folk radio must simply make mention of this web page as the source. We welcome any ethical and tasteful efforts that will help build up our audience. The exception to this is the use of the selected audio, photo and tab files as we only have limited rights to the use of these files. |